Limited Licence Applications

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Limited Licence Applications

If you have been disqualified or suspended from driving, you may be able to apply for a limited licence pursuant to s 103 of the Land Transport Act 1998.  If granted, a limited licence will enable you to drive for a limited purpose subject to certain conditions – for example, to and from your place of work only, or between certain hours of the day. 

You must be able to demonstrate that the disqualification or suspension will either:

  • Cause extreme hardship (not just inconvenience) to yourself, for instance, by preventing you from fulfilling your work duties; or
  • Cause undue hardship to somebody else, for instance, to a dependent who relies on you as their only means of transport.

However, you will not be able to apply for a limited licence if:

  • You have been disqualified from driving indefinitely;
  • You were disqualified for driving while disqualified or suspended, or contrary to a limited licence;
  • You were disqualified due to repeat offending involving alcohol or drugs, or you are required to use an alcohol interlock device;
  • You have been disqualified from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service, other than a rental service; or
  • You have been convicted of two of the following offences, on two separate occasions, within five years of each other:
    • Reckless or dangerous driving;
    • Careless or inconsiderate driving causing injury or death;
    • Failing to stop after an accident;
    • Offences involving alcohol or drugs; or
    • Applying for or obtaining a licence while disqualified from doing so.

To obtain a limited licence, you must first apply to the Court for an order that enables you to then seek a limited licence from the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA).  You will need to decide what conditions your limited licence should have and put this proposal to the Police before filing your application.  We can help with all steps of this process.